NAM Multi-Asset Model Portfolios - Australia
Multi-Asset AUD Model Portfolios
Multi-Asset AUD Capital Stable
Multi-Asset AUD Cautious
Multi-Asset AUD Balanced
Multi-Asset AUD Growth
We manage multi-asset, multi-manager portfolios using a combination of absolute return managers, relative return managers and passive index tracking ETFs. The portfolios are diversified across a range of asset classes including; domestic equities, international equities, listed property, commodities, fixed interest, cash (or cash equivalents) and absolute return strategies.
Our approach to total portfolio construction and management is reflective of the firm's investment philosophy and places significant emphasis on absolute return strategies as the high Sharpe Ratio core of a portfolio with tactical allocations to asset classes and active managers (or passive index trackers) as satellite holdings depending on the risk/return target of the portfolio.
Multi-Asset AUD Absolute Return
AUD Multi-Asset Capital Stable Portfolio
The model holds a portfolio of managed funds. Those funds will invest in both fixed income securities and cash (including cash equivalents such as fixed income securities that are close to maturity). The portfolio will be constructed to ensure a range of defensive type assets with differing maturities, time frames, market exposures and risks. Investments may include cash, bank bills, term deposits, managed funds, corporate bonds, government and semi-government bonds together with funds and hybrid securities.
AUD Multi-Asset Cautious Model Portfolio
The model holds a portfolio of managed funds. 50% of the portfolio (the portfolio core) will be invested in diversified absolute return strategies and 50% of the portfolio (the portfolio satellites) will be invested in fixed income securities through specialist fund managers. The allocation to individual asset classes is managed on a tactical basis. Underlying fund managers are monitored regularly on both quantitative and qualitative measures.​
AUD Multi-Asset Balanced Model Portfolio
The model holds a portfolio of managed funds & ETFs. 50% of the portfolio (the portfolio core) will be invested in diversified absolute return strategies and 50% of the portfolio (the portfolio satellites) will be invested in a mix of growth assets (equities, property, commodities) and defensive assets (fixed income securities, cash) through specialist fund managers. The allocation to individual asset classes is managed on a tactical basis. Underlying fund managers are monitored regularly on both quantitative and qualitative measures.
AUD Multi-Asset Growth Model Portfolio
The model holds a portfolio of managed funds & ETFs. 50% of the portfolio (the portfolio core) will be invested in diversified absolute return strategies and 50% of the portfolio (the portfolio satellites) will be invested in growth assets (equities, property, commodities) through specialist fund managers. The allocation to individual asset classes is managed on a tactical basis. Underlying fund managers are monitored regularly on both quantitative and qualitative measures.
AUD Multi-Asset Absolute Return Model Portfolio
The model holds a portfolio of absolute return (hedge) funds. The portfolio will aim to provide capital growth without the level of volatility and drawdowns associated with growth type assets (i.e. equities). The portfolio will be diversified across multiple hedge fund managers, styles, asset classes and regions all of whom aim to deliver positive absolute returns regardless of economic and financial market conditions. Underlying fund managers are monitored regularly on both quantitative and qualitative measures.
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