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We offer individual investors a portfolio management service focused on the management of client assets via a managed account offering. We manage portfolios across the range of asset classes including; domestic equities, international equities, listed property, commodities, fixed interest, cash (or cash equivalents) and absolute return strategies.


Your portfolio is an Individually Managed Account (‘IMA’). An IMA allows you to retain beneficial ownership of all investments and can be customised to suit your individual tax situation when transacting. Through your IMA, you have the ability to invest in all major asset classes and your portfolio has an investment mandate reflecting your objectives, risk profile, asset allocation and ethical preferences; as outlined in your Investment Policy Statement.


  • Your portfolio is managed by a portfolio manager on a discretionary basis and constantly monitored according to the asset allocation outlined in your Investment Policy Statement. Changes to your asset allocation can be made at any time.


  • Your portfolio can be customised to suit your individual tax management, risk and return requirements. You also have the ability to restrict certain securities or sectors, enabling you to tailor your portfolio to suit your individual investment and ethical preferences.


  • You can withdraw from your investment at any time. If you withdraw your investment or close your portfolio, you have a choice of:

    • having your holdings transferred to your name in-specie without triggering a capital gains tax liability (provided there is no change in beneficial ownership)

    • having your holdings sold, and the cash proceeds sent to you, or

    • a combination of the above.


  • An online reporting login will be made available to you on request. Each quarter we will provide you with a comprehensive report pack, after the end of the financial year, you will be provided with an Annual Tax Report, including details of any assessable income, capital gains, tax credits and any other relevant items to include in your tax return.


  • IMAs are structured and are formally a service offering rather than a financial product, therefore management fees may be tax deductable.


We have developed a number of model portfolios focused on the differing risk budgets of individual investors and maximising investment returns subject to those budgets.


If you would like speak to someone about the services we provide, please contact us

© 2024 Newport Asset Management

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Newport Asset Management is a trading name of

Newport Private Wealth Pty Ltd  (ABN 16 166 931 960)

Australian Financial Services Licence  451820


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